How to create a budget in QuickBooks

To import your budgets into QuickBooks. Many companies produce budgets to measure against actual sales and expenditures. You can build budgets based on your accounting data in QuickBooks Desktop or the same online version. You can review and change everything once your budgets are in QuickBooks. Then compare the actual revenue and expenditures to your budget using financial reports.
Please note that you can build a budget at any time, but the end of the year is a perfect time to start thinking about the coming year.
Log in to QuickBooks as a user with budget access, development, and deletion permissions.
Step 1: Decide on the first month of the fiscal year: Make sure QuickBooks is scheduled for the start of your fiscal year. You can make a budget at any time, but starting at the beginning of the fiscal year is preferable.
- Log in to your QuickBooks Online account.
- Select Account and preferences from the Settings menu.
- The Advanced tab should be selected.
- Examine the First month of the financial year sector in the Accountings segment. Click Edit to alter the date.
Step 2: Gather your financial information: You may create a budget using statistics from the current fiscal year or the previous year’s figures. Run a Profit and Loss Detail report if you intend to use historical data to ensure your transactions and accounts look right.
The report defaults to displaying transactions from the beginning of the current year to the present. Here’s how to change the report so that the previous financial year’s figures are shown instead:
- Reports should be selected.
- Open the Benefit and Loss Information Report by searching for it.
- To use data from the previous year, pick Last Financial Year (or Last Year if January is the first month of your financial year) from the Report date dropdown.
- Select the option to run the study.
Step 3: Make a financial plan: You can copy an existing budget if you don’t want to start from scratch. To edit, copy, or remove a budget, go to the “Edit, Copy, or Delete Budgets” section:
- Select Budgeting from the drop-down menu under Settings.
- Add a budget by selecting it.
- In the Name sector, give your budget a name.
- Pick the budget’s financial year from the Financial Year dropdown.
- Set the budget interval to Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly using the Interval dropdown options.
- You may automatically insert data from the current or previous year into the budget by selecting Pre-fill data from the Pre-fill data dropdown. This is an optional move.
- You may arrange the budget by Class, Client, or Position using the Subdivide by dropdown.
- Next should be selected.
- Fill in the table with your budget details.
- Click the Settings icon above the Total column if you don’t see any of your accounts and subaccounts. Check the box labelled Hide blank rows.
- Pick Save or Save and Close when you’re done.
Please note that QuickBooks Online does not go round to the nearest Rupee and accepts decimals.
How to Prepare budget reports
Special budget reports will assist you in keeping on board with your financial objectives.
- Select Budgeting from the Settings menu.
- On the list, look for your budget.
- Select Run Budget Overview report or Run Budgets vs. Actuals report from the Action dropdown.
Budgets are summarized by account in the Budget Overview article. Accounts are summarised alongside the current account totals in the Budgets vs Actuals report. It also reveals whether you’re on a budget or not.
How to Edit a budget
Budgets can be edited, and to do that, you need to make adjustments to a budget, do so in QuickBooks:
- Select Budgeting from the Settings menu.
- On the list, look for your budget.
- Select Edit from the Action dropdown.
- Each account should be edited one month at a time.
- Select the Gear at the top of the budget to adjust the period from month to month to quarterly or yearly. Then pick between Quarter and Year.
- Choose Save or Save and Exit.
How to Copy a budget
You may make a copy of a current budget rather than starting from scratch. This allows you to get a head start on this year’s budget by using data from the previous year:
- Select Budgeting from the drop-down menu under Settings.
- Locate the budget you want to imitate.
- Select Copy from the Action dropdown menu.
- Enter the current budget name and financial year on the Copy Budget screen.
- Make a budget by choosing Build Budget.
- As required, make changes to the budget quantities.
- Choose Save or Save and Exit.
- The copy is now saved as a separate budget.
How to Delete a budget
Be vigilant if you plan to delete a budget. Budgets that have been deleted cannot be recovered:
- Select Budgeting from the Settings menu.
- On the list, look for your budget.
- Select Delete from the Action dropdown menu.
In conclusion, QuickBooks Desktop software or any other software version allows you to do multiple things and create a QuickBooks Desktop software budget. This blog is specially dedicated to that. So please go through it and help yourself if you want to create a budget in this software. I hope that this blog helped you and was worth your time.