QuickBooks File Doctor is a programme that can help you restore corrupted company files and troubleshoot network problems. Examine the File Doctor’s findings to see what you can do to fix the issue. Each test result has a section that describes it in detail and resources for resolving issues in that area.

The hosting mode is turned off: To access QuickBooks files over a network, you must allow hosting. Activate Hosting:

In regards to multi-user hosting of QuickBooks business data files. Allowing other computers (workstations) to access a file stored on the main machine (the host) is referred to as hosting.

  • QuickBooksDB30 is included in QuickBooks Desktop 2020.
  • QuickBooks Desktop 2019 makes use of the QuickBooksDB29 database.
  • QuickBooks Desktop 2018 makes use of the QuickBooksDB28 database.

This service can be found in User Accounts, under Users for this device, in the Windows Control Panel. Look for the service that matches your QuickBooks Desktop edition.

What kind of issues does the QuickBooks desktop file doctor resolve

How can you get to your company's files?

The following requirements must be met to gain access to the company file:

  • Windows File Access: The logged-in user must have Full Control permissions, which allows them to look at, open, and change the file.
  • Database Server mode: The database server can open the company file successfully.
  • QuickBooks User Login: Each user must have his or her own QuickBooks user login and password.

Modes of hosting: Each version of QuickBooks Desktop and each device has its hosting way. It isn’t set for the QuickBooks installation or the company register. When multiple versions of QuickBooks 2018 or later are used simultaneously, each version hosting mode settings are independent. Not Hosting (also known as Hosting Off), Hosting Local Files Only, and Hosting Local & Remote Files are the three hosting types.

Not Hosting Mode:

  • QuickBooks Database Manager operates normally in Not Hosting mode, as a Windows User running QuickBooks.
  • Multi-user mode is not supported by Hosting mode. Not Hosting way communicates with QuickBooks using shared memory. Only the QuickBooks user running QuickBooks on the local computer can access a file via a database server in this mode.

In Hosting Local Files only mode: QuickBooks Database Server Manager runs as a Windows service called QuickBooksDBXX (where XX is a number from 27 to 30 determined by the version of QuickBooks, as mentioned under “Hosting specified,” above) and as the Windows user QBDataServiceUserXX in the Hosting Local Files Only mode (with XX being the same 2-digit number from 27 to 30 that the Windows service uses).

  • Only the QuickBooks user running QuickBooks on the local computer can access a file via a database server in this mode. QuickBooks Database Server Manager runs as a Windows service called QuickBooksDBXX (where XX is a number from 27 to 30 determined by the version of QuickBooks, as mentioned under “Hosting specified,” above) and as the Windows user QBDataServiceUserXX in the Hosting Local Files Only mode (with XX being the same 2-digit number from 27 to 30 that the Windows service uses).
  • The service QuickBooksDBXX is still active as long as the machine is turned on.
  • TCP/IP communication with QuickBooks is provided in multi-user mode. QuickBooks users on remote computers can access company files via a database server set to Hosting Local Files Only way.
  • In Hosting Local Files Only mode, a device can only host files that are on that computer.

In Hosting Local & Remote files mode:

  • QuickBooks Database Manager runs as the currently logged on Windows user in the Hosting Local & Remote Files mode. When a user logs in to Windows, this process begins and ends when the user logs out.
  • Multi-user mode can be supported by a computer in Hosting Local & Remote Files mode, which communicates with QuickBooks via TCP/IP. Using a database server, QuickBooks users on remote computers can access company files on this device.
  • A local computer can host both locally stored files, and files from remote computers opened on the local computer in this mode.

What factors does QuickBooks Desktop consider when deciding which database server to interact with?

  • The .nd file is searched for by QuickBooks Desktop. The .nd file is a small text file with the same name as the business file but a different extension (.nd). This file is in the same directory as the business file (.qbw extension). The manual also includes details such as the IP address and port that can be used to access the server.
  • QuickBooks Desktop checks to see if the.qbw file is open.
  • If QuickBooks Desktop discovers the .nd file and determines that the company file is in use, it attempts to connect with the server:
    1. if the communication is successful, QuickBooks opens the company file.
    2. If it fails, an error message appears, outlining the steps to take to fix the issue. Look into it. When opening the company file on several computers, error H101, H202, H303, or H505 occurs.


To summarise, QuickBooks Desktop software is accounting software that helps manage a particular organisation’s finances. The blog’s whole idea is to help you understand the issues you can resolve using the QuickBooks File Doctor. I hope that this blog helped you in some way or the other and was worth your time.