QuickBooks Desktop software helps you to work on the accounting of your organisation businesses, or small-mid sized. The software has always been on top since the time of its launch. The software is so easy to use and allows you to perform a lot of other things that make the whole experience very smooth. Talking about such features that add to the experience of your accounting merging the accounts is one such thing that makes the whole thing very easy and becomes very seamless to work on it. In this post, you will get to learn about how to merge customers, sub customers, and vendors in QuickBooks Desktop software.

How to merge customers in QuickBooks Desktop software

To merge customers in QuickBooks Desktop software, please follow the step by step instructions given below:

  • Open the QuickBooks software and then open the ‘Accountant’ option.
  • Now you will see a Chart of accounts click on that.
  • The various accounts will open double-tap on the name of the account that you want to merge and then tap on the Edit option.
  • You need to replace the name of the account the one that you selected and then tap on Save and Close.
  • A popup window will come up give your consent to merge the account.

(Please note that you might receive a message that you cannot merge that has already associated with another account online in that case you need to contact your respective bank to get it activated or to do the required changes.)

These are the steps that will help you merge the clients or customers to your QuickBooks Desktop software. You can also merge the sub customers to the organisation that is already merged in your QuickBooks Desktop software to know more, and please read the following paragraph carefully.

How to merge sub customers in QuickBooks Desktop software

The QuickBooks Desktop software allows you to merge the sub customer in an already merged customer or organisation. This process is to track more than two individuals of a particular organisation. To merge sub customer in QuickBooks Desktop software, you need to follow the given means:

  • To merge a sub customer, you need first to create a regular account as already mentioned in the previous segment of this post, and then you can add and merge the sub customer.
  • After that, you need to go to the ‘Sales’ menu.
  • Then open the ‘Customer’ option. 
  • You will see an option which says New Customer tap on that.
  • Now you need to give the consent to the check-box for the sub customer.
  • You need to fill in the asked details of the sub customer, which is a mandatory thing.
  • When you finish entering the details, then you have to select the parent account out of the two. 
  • The process is complete, and you just need to save it.

Applying all the above steps will help you merge the sub customers in your QuickBooks Desktop software. 

How to merge duplicate customers in QuickBooks Desktop software

Before deleting the duplicate customers make sure that they don’t have any sub customers and if there is a sub customer of the one that you are trying to delete then make the sub customer a regular customer. To merge the duplicate customers, you need to follow the given means:

  • Open the QuickBooks Desktop software and then go to the Sales option.
  • Now, after that, you need to open the Customers option.
  • After that, you need to select the user’s profile that you want and then tap on Edit.
  • You need to enter the name and delete the profile of the duplicate customer.
  • Choose the save option after that.
  • Give consent to the pop windows that says you want to merge both the profiles by tapping on Yes.

These means will help you to delete the duplicate clients or customers that can lead to a bit of confusion please read and apply the given steps carefully. To merge the vendors in QuickBooks Desktop software you can see our next segment.

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How to merge vendors in QuickBooks Desktop software

There are different editions of the software if you are using the accountant Edition then follow these means:

  • Open the QuickBooks desktop software and then tap on the given Accountant option.
  • Select the client data review option.
  • And there you will see the option of merging the vendors.

For the QuickBooks Desktop Enterprises, you need to follow the instructions that are as follows: 

  • You need to open the QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise and then open the Company Tab.
  • Then go to the accounting tools option.
  • Once you do that you will see the option to merge vendors go ahead and tap on it.
  • After opening it, you must select the vendors that you want to merge and then give consent by tapping on the Next option.
  • Choose a Master Vendor and then tap on the Merge option.
  • You will see a window popping up, tap on ok to complete the merge.

These means will help you according to the editions of the software that you have bought and will merge the vendors in your QuickBooks Desktop software.


In conclusion, QuickBooks is a software that is very widely regarded and praised by a lot of accountants and bookkeepers. The software also allows you to take care of all the aspects of the finances of your whole organisation and that is why the QuickBooks Desktop software proves to be the complete solution when it comes to managing accounts.

This post will help you merging the different customers, clients, vendors and some other important things related to the same. Please do read the whole post if you are looking for a solution related to the topic. 

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