How to use QuickBooks Desktop Automated Password Reset tool

This article would help you Reset the QuickBooks Company file Admin Password using an automated password reset tool.
If you have forgotten your QuickBooks Company file admin password or need help with resetting it. The Automated Password recovery tool can help you reset the password for QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Point of sale.
How to use QuickBooks Desktop Automated Password Reset tool

- Download QuickBooks auto password tool.
- Choose the version of the QuickBooks and the version of the QuickBooks on which company file was last used, make sure you make your choice correctly.
- Fill in your information as per details you used at the time of QuickBooks Purchase, These information is very crucial to proceed with the next step Please don’t make any mistake. If you don’t remember or may have confusion about your information please visit login with your Email address and password. If you don’t have an account or never logged in this account starts with resetting your password. Once the password is reset login into your intuit account which would have your entire Purchase summary with Intuit. Use this information to fill this password reset tool form.
- After that accept the licence agreement terms and proceed to download the automated password reset tool the download does,t start automatically click to choose download now.
- Run the Automated Password Recovery tool after that enter the token number received via registered email.
- Choose QuickBooks version you choose at the time of download then browser for a company file and select the company file you want to reset the password for.
- It would ask you enter the Admin name for the company file please enter the correct one
- Now enter the New password and confirm it, It just a one time password so when you are going to log in on your QuickBooks it’s going to ask you to change it.
- Once the reset process is done you are good to go.
The QuickBooks Automated Password Recovery tool is one-time use only if you won’t use it again, You need to follow the same procedure again and generate token.
This tool is used with the help of experts only so we advise you to contact a QuickBooks Support expert before performing the QuickBooks Password Reset process. This article is based on our team’s real-time research.