Having non-deductible (after-tax) contributions to a standard IRA is the most common explanation for filing Form 8606. Since these donations do not, as regular IRA contributions, minimise your taxable income, they must be registered and taxed accordingly. If you have maxed out your regular tax-deductible contributions for the year but still want to make extra contributions to your retirement fund, this will usually happen. You would also need to use Form 8606 to record any distributions that you take from these accounts, along with all Roth IRA distributions, if you have ever made nondeductible donations to an IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA.

When you donate to a Roth IRA, Form 8606 is unnecessary because such donations are never tax-deductible. Still, if you convert a conventional IRA, SEP, or Simple IRA to a Roth IRA, the form is needed.

Purpose of form 8606

Suppose you have ever made nondeductible contributions to traditional IRAs and even the conversions from traditional,  SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs to Roth IRAs. In that case, you need to use Form 8606 to disclose the non-deductible contributions you made to traditional IRAs, distributions from traditional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs and also the distributions from IRAs in Roth.

Who can use Form 8606: If any of the following applies to you during the tax year, you’ll need to file form 8606:

  • You have made nondeductible contributions to any standard IRAs.
  • You have received allocations from any conventional, SEP, or Basic IRA that you have made any nondeductible contributions to.
  • You’ve been taking distributions from the Roth IRA.
  • Any conventional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA you have converted to a Roth IRA.

On the IRS website, you can find Form 8606. In several office supply stores, libraries, post offices, and other organisations that offer free tax forms, it is also available. If they can provide you with a copy, ask your accountant. 

If you file with software like TurboTax, the software will automatically fill out the form if it decides to meet the requirements.

How to fill Form 8606: You will need to collect the data on and non-deductible contributions you made during the tax year, along with the cumulative basis you have built up in previous years, to fill out Form 8606. You will also need to document any distributions you have withdrawn from conventional, SEP, or SIMPLE IRAs (Part II), as well as any distributions from Roth IRAs if you have made any previous nondeductible contributions.

IRA Contributions Tax Rules: If a retirement plan covers you or your partner through your employer, the IRS restricts your deductible payments, and it also limits the total sums you can contribute and subtract.

Please note that some taxpayers feel that if they want to save money for retirement, they have no other choice but to make nondeductible contributions.

  • In fiscal years 2020 and 2021, you can only make annual deductible payments of up to $6,000 or up to $7,000 if you are 50 or older.
  • This cap is beginning to drop for deductible donations. However, if you or your partner covers a retirement account at work and your updated adjusted gross revenue (MAGI) in the 2021 tax year is more than $66,000. If you’re married and file a joint return with your partner, this increases to $105,000, but if you are married and file a separate return, it plummets to $10,000.
  • If your area retirement package covers you covered by a retirement package at work and your income is $76,000 or more in 2021, you are single, $125,000 or more. If you are married and file jointly, or $10,000 if you are married and file a separate return, you are entirely exempt from claiming deductible contributions.
  • Above these laws, you can donate money even if you do not qualify because of your salary, but you must do so with after-tax dollars and fill out 8606.

To End With

This blog is created to help you understand IRS form 8606, what is it, the purpose of making it, and all those aspects, so please read the whole blog very carefully and help yourself by saving some taxes. I hope that his blog helps you and worth the time that you’ve spent here reading it. 

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