This Article Will Help You To Learn To Fix Error Code 6000 -83 In The QuickBooks Desktop Application. This Error Is Very Common In All Versions Of QuickBooks It Doesn’t Matter Which Version Of QuickBooks You’re Using You Can Encounter With This Error Code.
Quickbooks Desktop Application Users Get This Error Code When They Are Trying To Open and Restore The Backup Company File. If You Get This Error Code Don’t Worry Our Team Of Experts Is Here To Help You.
This Article Is Brought To You By The CPA Desk.
Root cause for Quickbooks Error 6000,-83.
- QuickBooks update that has caused the problem
- Maybe a Windows update.
- The issue with the installation files of QuickBooks.
Now In The Next Segment, We Are Going To Discuss Certain Real-Time Scenarios Where User Can Come Across With This Error.
- during the company file backup process
- when user trying to restore existing company file backup
- maybe the company file is located on Windows Server
- in some companies, they also prefer to store company files on a Linux server.
The solution is a concern for the first scenario when the user gets this error code during company file backup. Follow these steps:
but before we start with the troubleshooting process, it’s always recommended. If you are using QuickBooks multi-user and your company file is stored on the server, move that file on your local hard drive. Once the issue is fixed you can move that file back to your server computer.
- close QuickBooks desktop application if you are working on it.
- open file explorer and create a new folder inside C drive.
- now create a backup complete file and store that backup on a newly created folder.
- now last and final step to restore your company file using the latest backup which you have just made after performing all these steps if you don’t see your code 6000- 83, then continue using the restored file. Avoid using the previous file.
You still have the same error codes or the issue is not fixed for Windows Server and Linux:
If you have you have the company file on the server .
If your company file isn’t located on the server and still getting this error -6000,-83 Please contact QuickBooks Support.
Step 1: Try to turn off file hosting, Make sure your company file should be hosted on Server only, Turn of multi-user file hosting on all the workstations.
- Open QuickBooks on Each and every workstation.
- From the main menu Select File then Utilities.
- After that Click to Stop Hosting Multi-User access.
- Follow the same steps on all the workstation.
If the error continues then follow the next step:
Step 2: Run File Doctor.
Scan Company file using QuickBooks file doctor entire process could take up to 5 to 10 minutes.
If you still have error code -6000 -83 follow step number.
Step 3: Restore company file backup but if you don’t have backup then follow the next step:
Fix QuickBooks Error -6000, -83 manually, After running QuickBooks File Doctor if you still have the same issue follow these steps to repair manually.
- Update QuickBooks and check firewall, Internet settings.
- Enable folder permissions to share a folder with company file.
- Scan file and folder using QuickBooks database server manager.
- And don’t forget to check.ND file inside the QuickBooks Company file folder, If you don,t see that file then try to Scan the company file again using QuickBooks dataBase Manager.